Friday, July 5, 2013

From Duplo India With Love: Elephant

   I set out to build a DUPLO elephant in early January of this year. Three "tear downs" and one bat home invasion later, I am finished! When I initially planned him out, I figured that I would not have enough bricks to make him a solid color. I chose the two shades of blue because together they formed my largest collection of bricks and because the blues reminded me of Michael Foreman's watercolors for Madhur Jaffrey's book, "Seasons of Splendor: Tales, Myths and Legends of India" - a book I devoured as a child.
   At first, I thought that I might be bothered by the elephant's mottled appearance, but I ended up rather liking it. I didn't really know how many bricks I was going to need in the end so I just built freely, randomly selecting light or dark blue. Now that I have a better idea of how many DUPLOs a build of this size takes, I would like to try and use the two shades of color differently - maybe a color gradient??